This optional module helps you to manage any movements (loans, long term deposits, exhibitions or internal movement) of objects and specimens from a collection.
For every movement, you can view all the items that are concerned.
For each movement a record will be made, and every object related to this movement will be mentioned.
You will then be able to trace every movement of the object: departure, return, forward.
- Creating and modifying a movement record which will impart all general information concerning the identity of the movement: recipient name, agent name, start and end dates…
- Direct link to the object description: planned or active status of an object movement.
- Exit-return, travelling exhibitions with or without marking (bar-codes, electronic marking)
- Consulting by movements: to find movements from different elements taken in the movement record. (Places, dates, agents)
- Consulting by an object movement: to find all the movements linked to one or several objects.
- Automatically updating the exhibition history of each object.
- Memorizing the history of object movements.
- Printing two different reports:
* Complete report: print a list of all the objects linked to a movement.
* Accompanying report: print the list of the objects currently checked out.