E-Catalog (optionnal module- included in SQL version)

This function allows you to export records in HTML format to:

Publish them on a web server (Internet)

Create CD-Rom (exhibition catalog, educational and scientist purpose, enquiries…)

Exchange and communicate information quickly in a format readable by everyone.

It is also easy to implement and use.

Result and use of the HMTL export

All the files generated by the export function are HTML files based on style sheets (CSS) and Java script. The software generates the files itself, so you do not need knowledge on these formats.

These standards are compatible with any browsers (FireFox, Opera and Internet Explorer), on all types of platforms (Windows, UNIX, MacIntosh...).

They can be used straightaway or modified with any software managing HTML pages.

On a web site:
To use the result on a web server, just copy the file generated on a web server. This server can be hosted on all platform types (Windows, MacIntosh, Linux…).

It is also possible to integrate the export to an existing web site. Simply type in the home page address when exporting.

Creating CD-Rom:
There is another possible use for the HTML export, that is CD-ROM. Indeed the export can be copied and moved to the local hard disk, or any other kind of medium (CD-Rom, zip or jazz cartridge, etc.).

The advantage of using a CD-Rom is that it can then easily be used.

For example, as a complementary communication tool:
- for a temporary exhibition,
- to illustrate a scientific paper,
- for an educational project

Quick communication of your data:

The file can be sent as an attachment inside an e-mail:

- for a travelling exhibition
- exchanging information on collections, etc.