The OPAC module allows the institutions using Mobydoc products to make the public aware of all the data or part of it, in order to highlight their collections, a permanent or temporary exhibition, objects not in display…
The OPAC module allows, also, to create practical informative pages: temporary exhibition or any other event, opening hours, entry fees.
The OPAC module allows, also, to design "virtual" exhibitions in a multimedia environment (digital images, videos and sounds).
The OPAC is thus an efficient support to your communication policy.
The OPAC comes in two modules: the scenarii generator and the Windows kiosk.
The OPAC works on an extract of the database:
You select the information you want to display and those that will remain confidential.
The OPAC allows you to propose a simple search:
The criteria may be renamed (e.g.: "identification" will become "object title "). If wanted, the administrator may set up the OPAC parameters for questions as basic as: What? Who? When? Where? How? Why?
Various thesauri may be grouped around one single search criterion (e.g.: the criterion "object name" with the group of "title", "identification" and "area").
Various fields may be grouped around one single search criterion (e.g.: The criterion "artist" will be the group of "author" and "producer").
Just like in our standard systems, the search is a "guided" search.
The public is never left alone. Once a letter is entered, the system gives you a response.
The hypertext is widely used.
The OPAC allows you to select the public
From the "children" to the "researchers", the OPAC gives you the possibility to communicate with different publics.
You select the level of language.
You organise the messages in the language or the languages of your choice.
You select the information according to the chosen public.