Gestion Informatique Documentaire

Gestion Informatique Documentaire

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OPac web© | Publication of collections

OPACWeb is able to publish data, drawn from various Mobydoc applications (Micromusee, SnBase, Mobytext, Gapi) on the web or on the intranet.

The OPACWeb generator allows the user to:

Filter information that they desire to publish
Define access criteria to files
Choose how records will be presented: fonts, colours, etc.
Define the size and format of images

The OPACWeb server (entirely in XML) allows you to

Create multiple scenarios intended for different publics (researchers, students, adults, children…)
Regroup several databases into a single database (for example, a search on several museums)
Limit the information that you desire to publish in order to protect confidential data from all types of intrusion.
Create O.A.I harvesters or repositories

To aid with the implementation of OPACWeb, Mobydoc proposes the following:

Installation with Linux and Windows platforms
Training for new users
Training for administrators and Webmasters

If you so desire Mobydoc can also:

Assist with development of the project
Carry out the entire project; graphics, create the scenarios etc.
Host your site.

Online collections realised with the OPACWeb:

Bath Victoria Art Gallery

ENSBA, National School of Fine Arts, Paris

Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris

The Post Mail Museum, Paris

Mariemont Royal Museum, Belgium
    Lace collection
    Print collection

Natural History Museum, Anger - France

Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge

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