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Gestion Informatique Documentaire

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Mobydoc Archi © | Architectural heritage

ARCHI is a collections management system software which allows:

Precise Analytical and Historical descriptions of the edifices:

Identification: Place, designation
Conception: Architect, commissioner
History of the construction; the date, place, context
Renovation operations
Physical Description: Structure, materials, décor
Analysis: Iconographic, Stylistic and historic
Documentation, that is both scientific and literary; bibliography
Related digital documents: fixed images, videos, maps. 
Publication: Diffusion of data in the form of electronic catalogues or over the web.

Management of the projects concerning these edifices:

Type and Reason for project: renovation, demolition, salvage operation
Conception: Architect, commisioner
Technical Interventions: Planned and completed
Project Management
Documentation, that is both scientific and literary; bibliography
Related digital documents: fixed images, videos, maps. 

Publication: Diffusion of data in the form of electronic catalogues or over the web.

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